Course listing

Dette kurset fokuserer på de aller viktigste elementene når det gjelder behandling av personopplysninger.
I kurset får du blant annet lære viktige begrep som er bra å kjenne til, hva en personopplysning er og hvordan du skal behandle disse i ditt daglige arbeid. Kurset avsluttes med en kunnskapstest. 

Du kan når som helst sette kurset på pause og fortsette ved et senere tidspunkt.

You can use this portal to create an induction program for new employees. Here is a brief example.

Get introduced to the major organ systems of the human body! You'll learn some general anatomy (a roadmap of your body), learn how the arm bone actually connects to the shoulder bone, and how the different organs work together to keep you alive.

Formålet med Jobbsøkerkurset er å bidra til at deltakerne skaffer seg ordinært lønnet arbeid. Deltakerne skal tilegne seg jobbsøkerkompetanse og få bistand i jobbsøkerprosessen.

Målgruppa for Jobbsøkerkurset er formidlingsklare arbeidssøkere som står tilmeldt NAV, og som i forbindelse med jobbsøking vil ha utbytte av et strukturert og målrettet kurs. Det er ingen formelle opptakskrav, og en vurdering av behov for Jobbsøkerkurset tas av arbeidssøkeren og saksbehandleren i forbindelse med oppfølging fra NAV.

Welcome to study how to create pedagogical and interesting advanced distributed learning (ADL) courses. 

After completing this course you will be able to plan an e-learning course together with exercises and elements of online teaching strategy, using a variety of tools and teaching methods selected specifically to meet your goals.


In this course teachers will learn how to utilize Google Sites to develop student-based or classroom-based ePortfolio’s as a an alternate form of assessment as well as to showcase student work. Learn what ePorfolio’s are and discuss the benefits and uses of them as a teaching and learning tool. Participants will have hands-on practice using Google Sites to create an ePortfolio with best practice elements. Finally, teachers will evaluate their own courses to ensure that their students will have artifacts aligned to course objectives/standards that are ePortfolio-ready! This course is geared towards teachers who have students in grades 7-12.

These three open source graphics and desktop publishing tools are free to use and redistribute. Learn to use them in this self-guided set of tutorials.

This is a Mystery course for students aged 8+ which makes heavy use of Conditional activities to gradually reveal the answer to the mystery (What are we learning today? German!) and move forward the learning. If you access this as a student you will only see one item and the others will reveal themselves as you go along. If you access it as a teacher, check out the teacher's instructions in topic 5 (hidden from students)

This course is a B1 Intermediate Level Course. It is recommended for students who have a good level of English.

This is a free view and only has ONE unit . The full course has 10 units with written assignments that are marked by your tutor. At the end of the course, there is final B1 level assessment. All students receive a detailed language profile report with a recommendation for further courses.

This course is aB2 Upper Intermediate Level Course. It is recommended for students who have a very good level of English.

This is a free view and only has ONE unit . The full course has 9 units with written assignments that are marked by your tutor..At the end of the course, there is final B2 level assessment. All students receive a detailed language profile report with a recommendation for further courses

Digital Photography will allow students to become familiar with the functions of a digital camera. Students will learn how to use light and their camera to create art. They will also learn the rules of photography and how to tastefully break them. Students will develop higher level thinking through art criticism, art history, and aesthetics by learning about photography.

This course will cover the history of visual art from its start in the caves of France to mediaeval times.

An introduction to the Impressionist movement in France, with students being allowed to select an artist to focus on for in-depth study. The course is an example of the use of Conditional activities and Activity completion.

This course explores Digital Literacy and its importance for teachers and students. 

Mount Orange is proud to have in its community students, teachers, parents and helpers from a wide variety of different cultures. This course, open to anyone, showcases the diversity of our traditions, our language and our landscapes. Please join in:-)

We all need water! Let's look at things we are doing well and not so well in managing this precious resource.

 A series of tutorials to follow, leading to a good grounding, not only in how to use Scratch, but a number of specific programming concepts as well.

Windows 10 Essentials is a SCORM based course that has been released by under the Creative Common Attribution Licence and discusses the fundamentals of Windows 10 OS.  Bigger Brains provides award-winning eLearning courses in Microsoft Office, Accounting/QuickBooks, Technology, Google Apps, Sales and Marketing, Ethics, and Leadership and more.

Note: Low banwidth from the video site repository result in reduced video quality in this course.   

This is a demo presentation of PowerPoint 2013 from Microsoft Office suite that allows you to create amazing slide presentations that can integrate images, video, narration, charts, and more.
This Introduction to PowerPoint 2013 discusses the fundamentals about Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013 and is aimed at learners who have little or no familiarity with Microsoft PowerPoint, or more experienced Word users who want to learn the topics covered in this course in the 2013 interface series.
The course is available through a Creative Common Attribution Licence and donated by

A course in which you will be introduced to different types of sport and get a feel for how you might enjoy participating in them. In this course we'll be looking at a number of sports which you can choose to practise over the next two years. Explore, digest, contribute and collaborate!

NEW!! This course is using the  "Show one section per page" course layout.

This course will introduce you to the basics of Alpine Mountaineering, while at the same time highlighting some of the great features of Moodle. The course is for senior students planning an ascent of Mont Blanc in July. It is also designed to take Moodle newbies through a number of activities showing off the best of Moodle.