World of Water

 Before you start
 What are we here to do?
 Mr Sanders says ...
 Course Forum
 Revise the Water cycle
 Water Glossary
 Stuck and want something explained quickly? Enter Chat ...
 Our map
 Key readings
 Field Trip to 'Stink Farm'
 Aqua Quiz -do you know your water?

Moodle's standard Quiz is a hugely versatile way to evaluate. This quiz, all about Water, has examples of several different types of question. 

 Interactive House
 Water supply or water demand?
 'Water solutions' wiki
 30 Days Challenge
 Which door?
 Would you....

 Water Aid website
 Water Alert Game - Can you save the village?
 Find and rate the most awesome project
 Water and human health - for those wanting to explore further!
 Sample Google Docs import
 Create a great exam answer!
 Bottled Water? Thoughts?
 Practise creating a campaign - beach safety
 Create a Junior School water awareness campaign
 Write a Water Poem

Write a poem on any aspect of our World of Water course! There must be three verses at least. It must rhyme and must include alliteration and onomatopoeia. Use the rubric to help you!

NOTE: You must agree to the submission statement before you are allowed to submit your poem.

Want an example of a brilliant water poem? Check this out, by Robert Southey 
